1.  What is the cooking event format?

Each cooking event is custom designed to meet the client’s needs.  They range from 2 to 3 hours in length and are fully participatory for all attending. The event can be collaborative in design or designed as a competition.

2.   Where is the event?

The kitchen venue is available in Hoboken, New Jersey .  It is also possible to have the event at the client’s location.

3.  How is the menu developed?

The menu for each event is custom designed to meet the dietary, budgetary and palate preferences of each client.  Specific requests can be accommodated.

4.  What is the cost?

The cost is based on the venue selected and the menu desired, taking into account the food costs.

5.  Can the client bring their own wine/beer?

Absolutely, all events are BYOB.

6.   What is the difference between collaborative and competitive?

The collaborative events have all of the guests working together in a collegial manner.  The competitive events pit smaller subgroups against each other with judges reviewing and rating their efforts.  Prizes can be included.



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